
photo credit: Stephan Hudson Photography



Coming up on Monday, February 17th at 1:00 ET, I’ll be in conversation with authors Lakita Wilson and Alechia Dow and lit advocate, writer, festival founder and most excellent human Karis McPherson at the virtual LIFTED LITERARY FESTIVAL! Visit the site for details on how to join from anywhere — it’s online. Then in March, if you’re in or near NYC come join me and an incredible lineup of literary superstars in person at the National Black Writers Conference!

A haunting trailer for the audiobook of YOU’RE BREAKING MY HEART — read by me (!!) and the phenomenal Channie Waites!

Amber O’Neal Johnston and her talented family always know how to engage with a book! Love the crochet companions to OPERATION SISTERHOOD: Stealing the Show! and I’m a huge fan of Amber’s latest book, SOUL SCHOOL

Much gratitude for this lovely review of OPERATION SISTERHOOD: Stealing the Show! over at Always in the Middle

Honoured to be in conversation about YOU’RE BREAKING MY HEART with Edi Campbell over at Pearl’s and Ruby’s on School Library Journal

MAKEDA MAKES A HOME FOR SUBWAY gets a sweet shout out from Betsy Bird

By Olugbemisola

Justice on The Lesson Plan, The Brown Bookshelf

The Magic of Just Being, AALBC

Books To Help Kids Understand What It’s Like To Be a Refugee, Brightly
Madeleine L’Engle and Me, Brightly
Say That To My Face: On Teaching and Learning Diverse Literature for Empowerment and Transformation (Or, On Feeling Itchy), NCTE

To Teachers in Unprecedented Times, School Library Journal
Using Media to Talk With Children About Race, PBS Parents

About Olugbemisola (And My Books!)

YOU’RE BREAKING MY HEART is Grade A YA , The Horn Book

80+ Black Children’s Book Authors To Support Now & Always!, Mother
First Madeleine L'Engle Conference Held in New York City, Publishers Weekly
Member Spotlight, Children’s Media Association
My Daughter's Summer Reading List Is Old School, And Not In A Good Way, HuffPost
Ruminating Process Alongside Kidlit Creators: Centering Our Why, Two Writing Teachers

Podcasts, TV, & Radio Appearances

MAKEDA on Good Morning America with the Book Fairies (GMA)

Celebrating with the Book Fairies Northwest Elementary School (News 12)

MAKEDA MAKES A BIRTHDAY TREAT is the Book Fairies’ 5,000,000th! (LI Press)